Interesting facts about Human eye

Facts Team

The human eye is an incredibly intricate and fascinating organ. Here are some interesting facts about human eye:-

1. Resolution: The human eye can distinguish approximately 10 million different colors and can process up to 36,000 bits of information every hour.

2. Blinking: On average a person blinks about 15-20 times per minute, which adds up to about 1,200 times per hour to keep the eye moist and protect it from dust and foreign particles.

3. Rapid Movements: The eye is one of the fastest muscles in the body. It can move up to 100 time/second.

4. Night Vision: The human eye can adapt to a wide range of light levels from seeing in almost total darkness to bright daylight.

5. Tears: Tears are essential for eye health. It is not just for emotional expression. They contain enzymes and proteins that help prevent eye infection.

6. Retina: The retina at the back of eye contains millions of light-sensitive cells called rods and cones, which detect light and color.

7. Blind Spot: Each human eye has a blind spot where the optic nerve exits retina. The brain compensates for this blind spot by filling in missing information from surrounding visual field.

8. Eye Size: The human eye is about 24 millimeters in dia and weighs around 7.5 gm.

9. Blinking Coordination: When you blink both eyes blink at same time to maintain binocular vision and prevent double vision.

10. Lens Flexibility: The eye lens is flexible and changes shape to focus on objects at varying distance. This process is called accommodation.

11. Unique Pattern: Similar to fingerprints, the pattern of blood vessel in retina is unique to each individual and can be used for biometric identification.

12. Blinking During Sleep: Even while you sleeping your eyes continue to move and you still blink, albeit at a slower rate.

These Interesting facts underscore the incredible complexity and versatility of the human eye. which allows us to experience the world around us in extraordinary detail and clarity.

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